Amazing benefits of peach juice | How to make peach juice?

Apart from looking pretty, peach is really a very delicious fruit which is low in calorie. It is very rich in minerals and vitamins. Raw peach juice possess minerals such as iron, zinc, sulphur, manganese, calcium and magnesium. It also possesses vitamins such as A, B1, B2, B9 and C. Eating peach as a fruit tastes really delicious. But peach juice can allow your body to absorb complete nutrients. Drinking peach juice will help your body to absorb its nutrients quickly. It can help you to prevent various types of diseases and boost your immunity. It can improve the overall health of your body.

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■ Recipe of peach juice

• Ingredients you need:

* Peach/Peaches (required quantity)
* 1-2 Tbsp of lime juice
* Water (required quantity)
* Sugar (required quantity)
* Ice cubes

• Steps:

* Cut the peaches and blend them.
* Add water, lime juice, sugar and ice cubes in the required quantity.
* Mix them well.
* Store this juice in a refrigerator.
* You can also serve this juice directly.

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■ Health benefits of peach juice:

• Weight loss: Peach juice is low in calorie. Hence, if you are on a weight loss diet, peach juice can help you a lot. It can help you to cut your fats down. Also, it tastes really delicious. So if you are on a weight loss diet and need some boost, peach juice is best for you.

• Boosts your immunity: Peach is a very good source of vitamins and minerals. It possesses properties that can boost your immunity and protect you from various diseases. Having peach juice regularly can help you to prevent common disorders and diseases. It is also helpful in treating bronchitis.

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• Removes toxins from the body: Peach juice is beneficial to clean your digestive tract and improve the functioning of digestive parts of the body. It also improves the functioning of kidneys. Peach contains high amount of fibre which is helpful in removing toxins from the body. It is also beneficial in improving health of your hair and skin. Consuming peach can help you to cleanse your body.

• Cancer: Peach contains lycopene and lutein. Hence, it possesses properties to prevent cancer. It also possesses ability to prevent macular degeneration. You cannot cure cancer once it is set in your body, but consuming peach juice in your daily diet can help you to reduce the risk of cancer.

• Eyesight: Peach contains beta carotene. Hence, it is beneficial in improving your eyesight. It helps in blood circulation in your eyes and muscles surrounding the eyes. Drinking peach juice regularly can help you to prevent the loss of vision due to weak muscles.

• Anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidant agent: Peach possess anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidant properties. It can help you in any kind of inflammation, swellings, injuries, joint aches, etc. It can also help you to cleanse your skin and maintain the beauty of your skin. Drinking peach juice regularly can help you to make your skin look young and cheerful.

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