Natural Home Remedies for Skin Fungal Infections

What is fungi?

Fungi are the microorganisms which are present all over the world. Also there are over 50000 different species of fungi. Fungi are not always harmful.

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■ How is a fungal infection caused?

Some fungi can stay on your skin for over years without causing a single problem. But these fungi can sometimes grow and change its effects on your body which will finally cause a fungal infection.

Different types of fungi cause different fungal infections. Fungal infections are classified by the type of fungi causing infection, part of the body where infection is caused and symptoms of infection. Fungal infections occur on the surface of your skin. It leads to extreme itching.

■ You can acquire fungal infections due to various reasons. Some of these reasons are:

• Side effects of medicines
• Poor diet
• Diabetes
• Extreme warm environment
• Improper blood circulation
• Skin injury coming in contact with fungi or other person's infection
• Week immune system

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■ Some common types of fungal infections and parts of the body where fungal infections are caused:

Common types of fungal infections:

• Ringworm (Tinea Corporis)
• Athlete's foot
• Yeast infection
• Jock itch

Common parts of the body where fungal infections are usually caused:

• Scalp
• Nail beds
• Mouth
• Vagina
• Urinary tract
• Arm

In today's lifestyle, it is very common for a person to develop a fungal infection. Some natural and effective remedies can help you to get rid of it.

Health Benefits of Eating Garlic Empty Stomach

Here are some effective steps that you can take to get rid of fungal infections:

1. Yoghurt:

To treat various fungal infections, plain yoghurt has been used since ages. The probiotics contained by plain yoghurt help to prevent the growth of fungi by producing lactic acid.

* Apply some plain yoghurt using a cotton ball over the infected areas of skin.
* Leave it for 20-30 minutes.
* Wash it off with warm water.

Repeat this remedy twice a day until you get rid of infection.

2. Garlic:

Garlic possesses anti-fungal, anti-bacterial and anti-biotic properties. Hence it can be most effective to treat any fungal infection.

* Ground some garlic cloves and prepare a paste.
* Apply this paste over the infected areas of skin.
* Leave it for 20-30 minutes.
* Wash it off with warm water.

Just like the yoghurt remedy, repeat this remedy twice a day until you get rid of infection.

3. Turmeric:

Turmeric is most commonly used anti-septic, anti-biotic and anti-fungal agent. Also, it possesses healing properties.

* Prepare some turmeric juice from raw and fresh turmeric.
* Apply this juice over the infected areas of skin.
* Leave it for 2-3 hours.
* Wash it off with warm water.

This remedy is also to be followed twice a day until the infection gets cured.
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■ Including yoghurt in your daily diet can also help you to get rid of such fungal infections. Add 2-3 cups of yoghurt in your daily diet to cure such infections. You can also consume turmeric as a remedy of such infections. Add some turmeric and honey to warm milk. Drinking such milk will help you to develop immunity against such fungal infections.


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